
Rolex Quiz



感謝WatchTime撰寫此好文 我們推薦給大家, 特此聲明並致謝。

1.Wilsdorf & Davis,the firm that became Montres Rolex,was founded in1905 in :
A. Paris
B. London
C. Geneva
D. New York

2.According to the patent filling,what was the salient feature of the movement in the rectangular Rolex Prince watch that debuted in 1928?
A. It was named for Britain's Prince of Wales.
B. The movement was constructed on two different levels.
C. It enabled the seconds to be shown on a different dial than the hours and minutes.
D. Despite the rectangular shape,it had an ultra-ac-curate round movement.

3.Why did Hans Wilsdorf select the name Oyster for his watch?
A. He was inspired to use it when he had trouble opening an oyster while preparing for a dinner party.
B. He wanted to convey that the watch,like an oyster,held a precious "jewel" inside.
C. Because of the expression,often repeated by his mother,"The world is your oyster."
D. It was a dormant name registered byOmega that he was able to acquire at little cost.

4.In its 100-year history,how many presidents has the Rolex firm had?
A. 3
B. 6
C. 9
D. 12

5.The Rolex Oyster Perpetual Day-Date model was nicknamed the "president" when Rolex gave one to a U.S. president.Which one?
A. Roosevelt
B. Eisenhower
C. Kennedy
D. Johoson

6.Which of the following presidents of the United States did NOT own a Rolex?
A. Franklin Roosevelt
B. Dwight Eisenhower
C. John Kennedy
D. Lyndon Johoson
E.Richard Nixon
F.None of the above.They all owned a Rolex.

7.So-called "James Bond" Rolexes refer to models in what collection?
A. GMT-Master
B. Sea-Dweller
C. Explorer
D. Submariner

8.According to James Dowling and Jeffrey Hess ,authors of the book"Rolex Wristwatches:An Unauthorized History." "the Rolex ___________ remains the most desirable production timepiece ever produced by Rolex."Fill in the blank.
A. Oyster Day-Date President
B. Oyster Perpetual bubbleback
C. Daytona Cosmograph
D. Oyster Perpetual Submariner

9.How did Rolex mark the 50th anniversary of the debut of the Submariner in 2003?
A. It issued a new model with a green bezel.
B. It replicated the 1953 record-setting ocean descent of Auguste Piccard's bathyscaphe with a Submariner attached to the outside of the craft.
C. It produced a Submariner book with a foreward written byLloyd Bridges.
D. It didn't mark it.

10.The number of chronometers produced by Rolex in 2004 was:
A. 428,000
B. 528,000
C. 628,000
D. 728,000

11.True or false:Rolex produced more chronometers than the combined total of every other Swiss watch company in 2004.
A. True
B. False

12.Which of the following people are NOT official Rolex "ambassadors"?

A. Eric Clapton
B. Andy Roddick
C. Jim Mantz
D. Chuck Yaeger
E. Phil Mickelson
F. None of the above.All are Rolex ambassadors.
G. All of above. None is Rolex ambassador.



The quiz just rattled my brains... its fun answering this crazy questions!
thanks for sharing lot of information related to rolex watches
Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.


【 PATEK PHILIPPE 百達翡麗 】Calatrava系列完美典型 ─ 5026

90年代Calatrava系列最為人稱道三款入門錶 5000 ─240機芯為基礎,古典面盤,特殊偏心小秒針設計,Calatrava系列中唯一搭配原廠摺疊扣錶款 5022─ 經典寶璣字寶璣針加上將官式錶耳,新古典主義最佳詮釋,手上鍊機芯為小小缺憾。 5026─集兩錶之長,簡單洗鍊的錶面搭配古典寶璣字寶璣針面盤,240自動上鍊機芯加上透明錶底,Calatrava系列完美典型當之無愧。

【 ROLEX 勞力士 】什麼是字頭?

每隻勞力士的錶頭皆有流水編號,第一個字為英文字母,俗稱字頭, 當勞力士所有錶款總生產量達一百萬時更換一次, 所以從字頭可以知道每只勞力士錶大約的出廠年份, 字頭可以作為對勞力士手錶新舊的參考,但不能當為唯一的準則, 因為每一個人的配戴頻率與保養習慣不盡相同, 除了字頭之外,更重要的是手錶實際的品相。 勞力士字頭與出廠年份的對照表 R 1987 L 1988 E 1990 X 1991 N 1991 (Nov) C 1992 S 1993 W 1994 T 1996 U 1997 (Aug) A 1998 (Nov) P 2000 (Jan) K 2001 (Sep) Y 2002 (Sep) F 2003 (Sep) D 2005 (Apr) Z 2006 (May) 以上部份資訊來自 腕錶巴士 順隆腕錶


感謝 時間觀念 網站的Joseph、Bryan 撰寫此好文 我們取部分與本站錶款有關的內容推薦給大家 ,特此聲明並致謝。(本文經僅轉檔及修改部分文字,文中若有謬誤,歡迎更正、附加或者擴充內容) ■VACHERON CONSTANTIN江詩丹頓Malte Grande Classique馬爾他系列手上鍊腕錶 江詩丹頓是全世界不間斷經營的最古老品牌,在十九世紀到二十世紀初期曾經擁有過一段非常輝煌的歷史,不過在歷經美國製錶大量傾銷以及石英革命時期的傳統製錶大蕭條時代,江詩丹頓一度失去了其立足的根基,直到1996年加入RICHEMONT集團之後,在集團資源的挹注之下才又重拾昔日的光彩。1999年,江詩丹頓斥下鉅資併購了位於侏儸山谷的HDG(Haute de Gamme)機芯廠之後,改變了自20世紀40年代以來外購自積家與LEMANIA基礎機芯的狀況,並在2001年推出第一款完全自製的Cal.1400手上鍊基礎機芯,開始邁向自製機芯的道路。 從1755年創廠以來,一向以華美細膩的做工與質感著稱的江詩丹頓錶款就獲得了各國皇室的激賞,這項優秀的傳統一直延續到今天,從這一款最能代表江詩丹頓精神的Malte Grande Classique馬爾他系列手上鍊腕錶中便可一窺端倪。圓形的錶殼,中規中矩的小三針面盤設計,江詩丹頓這一款馬爾他腕錶,以早期錶款的經典元素來加以詮釋,並未添入任何前衛的設計,對於一些已經習慣「重口味」的玩家們來說或許太過於簡單內斂,但這樣單純的設計反而更禁得起時光的淬煉。為呈現腕錶的質感而完全採用鏡面拋光的錶殼,由內向外漸寬的錶耳則是衍生自早期經典的淚滴形設計,由6點鐘位置小秒盤為中心向外擴散的波紋狀面盤刻紋,從這些細節處理我們也更容易體會江詩丹頓對於工藝的執著;另外,江詩丹頓在機芯修飾方面的功力透過透明後底蓋則可一覽無遺,這一款馬爾他腕錶內部所搭載的正是相當知名的Cal.1400手上鍊基礎機芯。大體來說,這一款機芯完全是以「實用」為最大的出發點,因此在設計上並沒有太多複雜的機制以求機能運作穩定,但是在做工修飾上倒是極盡華麗之能事,無論是機板、橋板的打磨,或是零件的拋光、倒角處理均相當仔細,完全是頂級機芯才有的做工。細緻華美的機芯裝配在設計風格極為簡潔的錶殼中,讓這一只腕錶正好完全符合江詩丹頓低調沈穩的風格。 台灣區江詩丹頓品牌經理劉榮松表示,這一款馬爾他...